Where on earth is carmen sandiego game windows 8.1
Where on earth is carmen sandiego game windows 8.1

Also, you have to lug around a beacon that's almost as tall as you are. You only have to move about half as quickly as the fastest shuttle-runner on the planet, but you have to keep it up for 45 seconds, not four. Webb, owner of the best shuttle time at the 2013 Combine, completed the drill in 3.84 seconds in other numbers, he was moving at about 10.6 miles per hour. They run this drill at the NFL Combine to test a player's acceleration and ability to change direction. In this drill, the participant sprints five yards right, touches a marker on the ground, sprints 10 yards left, touches the ground again, then dives five yards left to return to the original starting point. This is what it looks like, if you aren't familiar.

Where on earth is carmen sandiego game windows 8.1 update#

This CD-ROM version is an update of the original classic and features many enhancements and additional features.Before we talk about Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, let's talk about the 20-yard shuttle run. As you solve more cases, your rank will rise, thus enabling you to tackle more and more difficult cases. It is your job, as a rookie detective, to identify the thief, obtain an arrest warrant and to finally track down the crook to his/her hideout before time runs out. Replay Value: Once you have caught Carmen Sandiego, you probably won't want to go back.Ĭarmen Sandiego and her international gang are behind the thefts of some of the world's most priceless treasures. Sound: Clear, but loud and mostly annoying.Įnjoyment: The annoying voices can make this game a lot less fun to play. Graphics: The country pictures are very nice, and the other pictures are somewhat nice as well, if cartoony.

where on earth is carmen sandiego game windows 8.1

While the game is supposed to be fun as well as educational, the annoyance factor swiftly overcomes most of the fun of the game, leaving it rather a drag. The Warrant Robot is almost unintelligable and also becomes an annoyance very quickly. After the 5th or 6th appearance, I was ready to throw something. And every time you begin another case, when you first see a VILE henchman (indicating you are on the right track), the chief appears to tell you so.

where on earth is carmen sandiego game windows 8.1

Every time you wish to travel somewhere, you must do it through the travel agency girl, who has an extremely irritating voice. While this game does have better graphics than the original game, it is not necessarily better. In addition to a notepad and cell phone, you will also have a pager through which you can recieve text messages from the chief or store clues until you can get a warrant. Your view on the world is through the screen. You'll be visiting every major continent and island, with the exception of Antartica.

where on earth is carmen sandiego game windows 8.1

You'll start by going after members of Carmen's gang, then move up to Carmen herself.

where on earth is carmen sandiego game windows 8.1

And when the police are baffled, they call in ACME Detective Agency. She and her crooks have made off with more items than an entire country of police could protect. Who else, for example, would steal an entire chain of islands? But Carmen has. Once again, she is back with another bunch of thieves to steal things that other crooks would go pale just contemplating. Despite being caught and jailed many times by skilled detectives at ACME, Carmen Sandiego seems to have more criminal lives than her cat, Carmine.

Where on earth is carmen sandiego game windows 8.1